Democratic People's Republic of Korea
OCHA Situation Report No. 12
15 October 2007
This report is based on information from UN Agencies, IFRC, Programme Support Units (PSUs), the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and OCHA ROAP.
1. Heavy rains from 7-14 August 2007 caused severe floods in nine provinces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), including the capital city, Pyongyang. The floods affected almost one million people and displaced nearly 170,000, as well as at least 454 people reported deaths and 156 people remain missing. Government statistics sources reported over 40,000 houses completely destroyed, with a further 200,000 submerged or badly damaged in the floods. Thousands of schools, hospitals and other public buildings were destroyed or badly damaged. At least 10 per cent of agricultural land was also inundated.
2. Rainstorms and strong winds caused by Typhoon Wipha from 17-20 September led to further severe damage in four provinces. The DPRK Red Cross Society estimates that an additional 1,649 people were made homeless and over 109,000 hectares of farmland damaged.
Coordination and monitoring
3. Sectoral meetings continued last week. However, a national holiday on 10 October and the UN holiday on 12 October meant that there were no key coordination meetings with the Government of DPRK. UN agencies will provide more detailed feedback for the following report, regarding implementation of Appeal and CERF funded activities.
Health and Nutrition
4. Training of 25 investigators, who will undertake Rapid Screening (MUAC) of children under five from 15-17 October, concluded on 12 October. A UNICEF staff member experienced in community-based nutritional responses arrived in DPRK to plan the response phase following the Rapid Screening.
5. Field visits to monitor disease outbreak and delivery of supplies continued during the week with UNICEF visiting three counties and one ri. UNFPA also undertook several field visits this week. No significant reports of diarrhoea or other diseases were received during the field visits. Further support to Disease Surveillance through measures proposed by WHO requires approval by the MoPH.
6. Inter-Agency Emergency Health Kits were received by WHO and one was delivered to Singhye County Hospital. Cholera kits and other health kits will be pre-positioned at the provincial level to meet future needs. EU Project Support Unit 1 reports on-going procurement of medicines, though progress is slow due to the high global demand for emergency medicines.
Water and Sanitation
7. The joint assessment of damage to water supply systems in the 26 worst-affected counties was completed and results due by 19 October. EUPS 1 consultant will be joined by a UNICEF assessment specialist. The joint assessment of selected pump stations is expected to be completed between 23 October and 6 November.
Food Security
8. WFP reports that arrival of food stocks in-country for emergency relief were critically affected by the cessation of cross-border movement of railway wagons from China following a long-pending dispute over delays. As soon as DPRK returns Chinese rail wagons, then the Chinese rail authorities will issue WFP suppliers with the wagons they need to transport the food aid into DPRK. WFP hopes that the concerned authorities can resolve this issue quickly to ensure the timely delivery of food.
9. The Republic of Korea Ministry of Unification announced on 10 October that it will provide 400,000 tonnes of fertilizer (grant) and 500,000 tonnes of rice (loan) in 2008, an increase on aid to DPRK in 2007. The Ministry clarified that this increase is due to the damage and potential food insecurity caused by the floods in August 2007.
10. The DPRK Flash Appeal for USD 14.1 million is now 79 per cent funded, with a further USD 1.1 million in unconfirmed pledges. For additional updates, please refer to the OCHA Financial Tracking Service (FTS) http://Reliefweb.int/fts.
11. This situation report, together with further information on ongoing emergencies, is also available on the OCHA Internet Website at http://www.reliefweb.int.
For detailed information please contact:
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
, Bangkok
Mr. Markus Werne
Mob. + 66-81-917-8940
Tel. +66-2288-2558
Ms. Amanda Pitt
Mob. +66-81-374-1035
Tel. +66-2288-1195
Desk Officer:
(NY) Mr. Ivan Lupis
Tel. +1-917-367-5286
Ms. Kendra Clegg
Tel. +1-917-367-3524
Press contact:
(NY) Ms. Stephanie Bunker, Tel. +1-917-367-5126
(GVA) Ms. Elizabeth Byrs, Tel. +41-22-917-2653